Friday, October 29, 2004


What a great year. The Cardinals played a great season. Its too bad things didn't end on a high note. I want to say that I was plesntly surprised by the class of the Red Sox. I have always seen Pedro and Manny is pretty arrogant guys, but I was impressed.

I was deeply dissappointed with the Cardinal "faithful" in game 7. When a pitch hit Umpire Merryweather (SP?) in the shin and hopped in pain a very large cheer erupted from the crowd. I thought we had more class than that-- Dispite his bizzare strike zone.

Red Sox won't be back next year.

We will. But there will be several changes.

Not that our bats where any better 9at least after game 1, but it was a case where our pitching sure let us down in the long haul--Carpenter's injury aside. Man I hate being right.

"I want to be wrong. Please let me be wrong. But Cardinal pitching is overachieving and it seems to be only a matter of time before we all come crashing back to this planet we call "Earth." " -CJ July 10,2004


1 comment:

alphawoman said...

There is always next year. The Red Sox were living out destiny.