Monday, August 23, 2004

Pine tar, 26, Cinci, and Gymnastics

  • It would take the Pirates skipper to call Tavarez for his hat. LaRussa made another one of his "bush-league" declarations. Seems to throw that around a lot. 'Lendon seems to be the type to go Pharisee-letter of the law stuff. Pirate fans would prolly refer to him as "scrappy." Although Tavarez deserves to get kicked if he really did have pine tar on his hat-which he does go to EVERY time-my question is, "Why is this the first time he's been nailed for it?" His hat has been checked twice before--however both previous times he was found clean. Not saying I have the answer here--but something doesn't fit.
  • Magic Number as of 8/22/04 is 26. Wow! The Cards are 40 games over 500! This is the first time that has happened since the last game of the '85 season! Two more wins and they will have twice as many wins as losses.
  • This Thursday will be my first time to see a game in Cincinnati. I sure am excited. I've heard that the ballpark there is great--guess the name fits.
  • (Trust me, this is connected to the Redbirds) Before you stop reading 'cause I said the world "gymnastics" let me quickly inform you that "gymnastics" comes from the Greek word gymnos meaning "nude." Now that I have your undivided attention--I have a beef. There are two articles in particular that have drawn my attention. First is Christine Brennan. This article goes on to say that Hamm should give up his medal. At first I was outraged to hear such a statement. It is a logical conclusion to connect a request that Hamm give up his medal and that he did not deserve it. Brennan tries to detach her noble request that Hamm "transcend sports" and avoid saying that he doesn't deserve gold. Where she fails in trying to avoid implying that Hamm did not earn the gold, she makes a good statement about sports in general. When my father and I were watching the '87 series I would always yell, "Drop it! Drop it!" at every pop-up the Twins had a chance to catch. My father would ALWAYS say, "Now, Son. You don't want to win that way." Now that I'm older, I agree. I don't know what I would do in Paul Hamm's place, but that sure does seem to be the RIGHT thing to do. Funny how the right thing to do sounds so outrageous doesn't it. At this point you might be saying, "John, you told me this had something to do with baseball." You're right which brings me to this point. 1987 Tommy Herr is called out for being "tagged" out on the basepaths. After seeing the replay AFTER the game, the ump announced that he made a bad call. This play COULD have changed the outlook of the entire series. So let's call the twins and tell them they have to play it over. "But, John!" you interject, "You don't know if that could have changed the outlook." You're right. And we don't know that Paul would have done differently knowing that he might of had to score higher. Unlikely? Yes. Impossible? No! Which is why this next article makes me burn! Ian O'Connor demands that a second gold be given to the South Korean gymnast. This is absolutely ridiculous! Check this quote from Paul Hamm's mom in USA-Today, "It's particularly upsetting that the media is calling for him to give up the gold medal. Would you do this after the Super Bowl, ask the Green Bay Packers to give back their rings or award double rings?" Couldn't be put clearer! Paul Hamm, if he knows that he would have lost to Yang, should ethically give up his medal. If there was a chance that Hamm could have done differently than what is done is done. A second medal is a disgrace. All of this is moot. The South Koreans did not file their complaint in time. There are rules for this. By the way, did the U.S. basketball team in Munich get gold medals too?


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